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Names of God
A great series on the "Names of God" that looks into the attributes and character of God by magnifying (Examining or looking closely at) His Names; as the psalms instructs us to do. In each message we see the origins of the name, what it meant then, what it means to us now, and how Christ fulfilled it as the Word made flesh and manifested among men. This series is very enlightening and awe inspiring.

Jehovah Jireh: The Lord Will Provide
Jehovah Elohim: The Lord My Creator
Jehovah Tsidkenu: Our Righteousness
El Elyon
El Olam: Everlasting God
Pele Yahats: Wonderful Councilor
Abba: Daddy
Jehovah Rohi: The Lord My Shepherd
El Shaddai: God Almighty
Jevovah Sabbaoth: Lord of Host
Yeshua: Salvation
Jehova Rapha: The Lord My Healer
Jehovah Nissi: My Banner
Jehovah MKaddesh: Who Sanctifies
El Gibhor: Mighty God
Thank you for checking out our Covenants Study series! Don't stop there! Be sure to go back to the HOWC-U page and go deeper into the word of God with an other Topical Teaching Series!
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